BAIN is a dental group that is based in three separate locations in Carroll County. They sought to expand their customer base through marketing and advertising throughout the area and online. I produced content for them through my internship at RedCube Creative.

Billboard Photo-composite Design

My favorite of the few billboards I have put together for this client. They wanted a tooth iceberg for a digital billboard and supplied an image to replicate. Using Photoshop I liquified and warped images of ice bergs to create the iconic tooth root shape. Adding the light rays and reflected light to create a sense of grandeur. 

Billboard Design

Part of the first set of billboards I have ever created, at this point I began to get more comfortable with the format. This design was for print and I had to accommodate for bleed on Photoshop.  

Social Media Graphics

These were used as marketing pieces a local dental group’s social medias. They were made using stock photos, mockups, and little bit of creative funk to bring these to life. This is just a fraction of what I’ve done. The prompts were given to me by the dental group as a weekly assignment.