South Carolina Men, join us for a weekend committed to pursuing God and becoming the men He’s asked us to be. No fluff. No beating around the bush. Just men hearing from God and doing what He says.”

A Graphic That Switches Up

When beginning the design we weren’t sure what exact imagery to give a manly vibe for the Men’s Conference. 

My first instinct was to gather images of lumberjacks and it felt so wrong and oh so right. The lumberjack images by themselves felt so uber-masculine that it was actually hilarious. 

We weren’t sure whether or not Simpsonville would accept this piece, but we gave it a shot and luckily they liked it. Queue the rest of the deliverables: Roadside Banner, Poster (shown), and 4×5 Social Media Graphic.

Main Screen

The Switch Up

A few months later, this previously closed request comes back up; they want us to remix the theme of this conference to something that resembles Fight Club. 

The typography of the graphic remained masculine, so we only had to change up the imagery to a packed-full-of-action grungy street fighting vibe.

Although the imagery isn’t as humorous as the last version, I think this version far more attractive as an advertisement for an event. 

Main Screen